Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Land of Giants

So, I've been trying to wrap my head around the National Parks that we've been staying at over the past two months and I've simply not been able to do it. The only thing that kept coming to my mind as I witnessed the grandeur and the splendor of these places is 'it's a land of giants.' The scale of everything is through the roof...or rather, the sky. The scope of the Grand Canyon, the waterfalls of Yosemite, the enormity of Crater Lake. Now, I've seen canyons and waterfalls and lakes, but the scale at these parks is astonishing, dumfounding, and just plain giant.

As I read about the geology and evolution of these places, it's all sounded fine and good, but it didn't really satisfy my awe. Instead of spending any time reflecting on the fault patterns, erosion and glaciers, I kept thinking 'no, it's just a land of giants.' Finally, I decided to take myself literally. In entries following this one, I'm going to start a story. A children's story. About giants. I'm going to try and make sense of these parks through the eyes of a child. Namely, me. It's funny--one way that this trip has affected me is it's absolutely brought out my inner child. Or maybe I've just regressed twenty-five years or so. Ask Simone. I'm fairly certain she'd agree. Anyway, I have no idea if I'll finish the project here or back at home. And I have no idea what the hell I'll do with it. But, at this point, it's the best way for me to describe what has gone on inside my brain when I've seen these magnificent places. And so, here we go

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